OASIS is an action-packed school for teens and young adults with autism. Our program combines frequent outdoor exercise with community interaction and functional curriculum, and our primary goal is to achieve maximum engagement and develop real-world skills for the road ahead.
Who is our student?
Our students generally have serious communication and social challenges and tend to be seriously affected by autism. If your student craves movement and plenty of physical activity and you are ready to focus on life skills programming, contact us to find out if OASIS is right for your family. We confer a Certificate of Completion as opposed to a diploma.

Our philosophy
OASIS began with a core philosophy: We want to serve students with active bodies and a need for motion. Not all students learn best indoors. Students with prodigious sensory needs can have a big appetite for movement. That can be a terrific, fun aspect of a student's personality if it is considered in the instructional design. But it can also send a student down a torturous road if it is ignored. Too many special needs students are confined to rooms and desks when what they need is activity and movement throughout the day.
We also know that our students use a variety of modalities to communicate. We are dedicated to listening to all communication and expanding upon it. When a student is getting their needs met, they will participate in ways that other educators may not have seen. We want to know all of what interests and stimulates our students so we can use that in developing content and curriculum.
What makes us different?
We believe that the most important way for students to learn is to love going to school.
We access maximum student engagement by making sure sensory needs are met completely, consistently and reliably, every day.
We teach critical academics, life skills, pre-vocational and vocational concepts where they will be used. In the world, not in a model built inside a classroom.
If your student has difficulty focusing indoors, particularly when sensory imperatives and dysregulation are causing a constant undertow, then you have a student who needs a more active program.
We target students who require a lot of daily activity and an individualized, engaging curriculum to maintain interest. We teach life skills where they will be used so that portability is not a "next step." We see each day as an opportunity to become better equipped for the future.

Experiential learners who need frequent activity are not at a disadvantage. They are disadvantaged by the wrong learning environment.
Arrange a visit to discover what active engagement and a community focus have to offer.
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